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Nitrous Oxide (Happy Gas)

Nitrous Oxide (Happy Gas)Happy smiles can only come from a healthy smile. At Dubbo Family Dentists we know that for some people coming to the Dentist can be a bit stressful and can wipe your smile away. It can mean avoiding coming to the Dentist and that small problems in the mouth are ignored. With time, these small problems become big problems and your smile is no longer healthy. We offer Nitrous Oxide, that is Happy Gas, to help anxious patients come in happily for treatment.

Nitrous Oxide makes most people very relaxed and comfortable, which allows us to do excellent work in a stress-free environment. All you need to do is gently breathe in and out through your nosepiece and you will begin to feel relaxed within a couple of minutes. When the procedure is finished, you simply breathe normal air and will feel completely normal very soon. You will be able to drive to and from your appointment with Nitrous Oxide.

Nitrous Oxide is very safe for adults and also safe to use on children, who might feel apprehensive about treatment. There is an item code, which can be claimed through your health fund. If you would like more information on Nitrous Oxide sedation, please speak to one of our friendly staff members on (02) 6882 5444.