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Orthodontics and Invisalign

Orthodontics and InvisalignOrthodontics can be used to correct poorly aligned teeth. Teeth that are crowded, too spaced, in cross-bite, overbite and under-bite can all be address with Orthodontics. Intervening with Orthodontics can improve chewing and speech and can prevent damage to the teeth and gums from misaligned teeth. Your and your child’s occlusion will be assessed when you are in for your regular dental check-up by Dr Amjad and Dr Antonia.

Orthodontic treatment can be especially necessary for children. Children should be assessed for possible Orthodontic treatment by the age of 8. At this critical age, the 6 year molars and incisors have erupted so we can get an indication of the relationship between the upper and lower jaws. Assessment of the canines is also possible at this age and any habits such as thumb-sucking, tongue thrusting and the long-term impacts from prolonged dummy use can be assessed as well. Early intervention can avoid or reduce the duration in braces as well as afford superior outcomes for you or your child. It is usually in the teenage years that most Orthodontic treatment is commenced.

Adults too can benefit significantly from Orthodontic treatment. With a healthy mouth free of decay and gum disease, Orthodontic treatment can be undertaken at any age. Well-aligned teeth not only improve your smile but also mean you can keep your mouth cleaner and healthier. If you are interested or have any concerns about your or your child’s bite and alignment, please contact our friendly staff on (02) 6882 5444 and they will arrange a time to come in.