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Tooth Removal and Replacement

Tooth Removal and Replacement

Our mantra at Dubbo Family Dentists is to keep all of your own teeth for as long as you possibly can. There are occasions however, when it is necessary to remove teeth such as:

  • impacted wisdom teeth;
  • teeth with severe and advanced periodontal disease;
  • for orthodontic treatment;
  • teeth that are so badly decayed that Root Canal Therapy is not an option.

Should you require a tooth to be removed, we will ensure you are numb and comfortable. If required, we can perform the treatment under Nitrous Oxide Sedation. After the extraction, instructions on how to take care of your mouth will be given. We will also discuss the options available to replace missing teeth.

When teeth are lost, there can be long-term effects on the rest of the mouth. Spaces in your mouth can be unsightly, and the surrounding teeth can drift or tilt into the extraction space. There are several options for replacing missing teeth, including dentures, bridges or implants. If you are concerned about missing teeth, please contact our friendly staff on (02) 6882 5444.